Today’s MAGA Hot Mic features Wisconsin Republican state lawmakers — who quite literally shut down a special session to debate abortion rights in a matter of seconds.

Yesterday, Wisconsin state lawmakers shut down a debate on abortion rights before it could even begin. State Senate President Chris Kapenga gaveled out the special session in 15 seconds with NO DEBATE. The State Assembly convened and adjourned their special session in just 20 seconds

Associated Press: “The Wisconsin Senate convened for all of 15 seconds, to gavel in and adjourn…”

Associated Press: “The Assembly, also controlled by Republicans, took about 20 seconds to dispense with Evers’ call…”

The special session was called to consider a constitutional amendment that, if passed, would allow the people of Wisconsin to call a referendum on abortion.

Washington Post: “[Democratic Governor Tony Evers] last month called the special session so lawmakers would consider amending the state constitution to allow voters to call a referendum on abortion.”

Why are Republicans shutting down the conversation? Because they know that their extreme agenda is wildly out of step with a majority of Wisconsinites who support safe and legal abortion in all or most cases.

NBC Madison: “[Marquette University] polls: Wisconsin shows consistent support for abortion”

NBC Madison: “Six in ten Wisconsinites backed legalized abortion in all cases or in most cases.”

Republicans will stop at nothing to push their cruel, anti-choice agenda. But make no mistake: In a democracy, the voters decide — and Republicans will be held accountable for their extreme agenda one way or another.

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