Project 2025, Trump, and Climate Change: They Deny it’s happening!
The simplest way to summarize the Republican’s Project 2025 approach to dealing with climate change is: Climate Change Doesn’t Exist!
While some people, like the authors of the Project 2025 document, might laugh off climate change as just making winters not quite as cold, the reality is that the impact of climate change on our lives will be much more far-reaching. Some examples include:
- More extreme weather events, such as droughts, hurricanes, and floods that endanger people, disrupt communities, and cost our economy billions of dollars to recover from;
- More frequent and more destructive wildfires with similarly devastating effects on people, communities, and the economy;
- In agriculture -- changes in rainfall patterns that affect the crops that can be grown successfully; disruptions in livestock raising practices; new and increased numbers of pests and diseases;
- Rising sea levels that threaten coastal communities, shipping, and recreation.
Project 2025 follows two main ideas – 1) Eliminate any effort or agency that accepts the reality of climate change; and 2) Continue to promote fossil fuel use. The authors deny all responsibility for protecting the American people from the consequences of Global Climate Change.
According to Republican politicians, the transition away from burning fossil fuels and toward reliance on renewable energy sources:
- means the loss of the right to choose one’s preferred source of energy.
- is “ideologically driven” rather than necessary for continuing life on earth as we know it; and
Their plan includes the following actions:
- End the focus on climate change.
- End tax subsidies to companies working toward sustainable energy.
- Withdraw [again] from the 2015 Paris Climate Accords – a worldwide approach to Climate Change.
- Roll back Biden-era executive orders and reinstate Trump-era policies that favor oil and gas development including drilling for oil in sensitive ecosystems.
- Repeal the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) which established new programs and are providing subsidies to renewable energy developers
- Eliminate energy efficiency standards for appliances.
- Dismantle the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) [which includes the National Weather Service] and eliminate many of its functions, because NOAA “has become one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry and, as such, is harmful to future U.S. prosperity.”
If you believe that the continued warming of the planet IS INDEED harmful to future U.S. prosperity, vote for Democrats Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to continue the strong work Biden has started.