Latest Past Events

Knock doors in Bangor, MI

We need your help to reach your friends, family, neighbors & communities. Get democrats elected by knocking doors in Van Buren County, MI. We support democrats up and down the ticket. Everyone knows how important Michigan is and every county has voters we need to motivate and inform. We have canvass leads across the county […]

Knock doors from Paw Paw

VBDCP Paw Paw Office 816 E Michigan Ave., Paw Paw

It is GOTV time. We need your help to reach your friends, family, neighbors & communities. Get democrats elected by knocking doors in Van Buren County, MI. We support democrats up and down the ticket. Everyone knows how important Michigan is and every county has voters we need to motivate and inform. We have canvass […]

Hartford Office Staffing

VBDCP Office 4 West Main St, Hartford

We are staffing the office for the early vote times in Hartford. We will answer questions and hand out literature and signs Register Here