DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, DNC Women’s Caucus Chair Lottie Shackelford, and DNC Black Caucus Chair Virgie M. Rollins release the following statement marking Black Women’s Equal Pay Day: 

“Democrats believe in equal pay for equal work and on Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, we recommit ourselves to closing the pay disparity that leaves Black women literally shortchanged. Black women are essential and invaluable to our communities and their contributions to our country are immeasurable. Yet, Black women earn only 58 cents for every dollar made by white men and only 75 cents for every dollar made by white women. 

“While there’s more work to be done in closing the pay gap, under the leadership of President Biden and Vice President Harris, Democrats have taken meaningful action to advance pay equity across the federal workforce, ensure equitable access to good-paying jobs, and provide relief through the American Rescue Plan for the millions of Black women who took on the brunt of the pandemic. The Biden-Harris administration has also taken steps to rebuild our economy so it works for working families by passing the Inflation Reduction Act to lower costs and finally make the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share. The Democratic Party will continue to fight to ensure that Black women receive the pay equity they deserve.”

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