Category: MDP

Category Added in a WPeMatico Campaign

REMINDER: Mike Rogers Voted Against Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act Before Going Through Revolving Door for an “Explosion of Immense Wealth”

LANSING — Today marks the anniversary of McCain-Feingold, the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, being signed into law, which Mike Rogers opposed and voted against. The law “get[s] rid of larger contributions from corporations, labor unions and wealthy individuals.” Immediately after Rogers left office, he “passed through the ‘revolving door,’ advising companies on issues he dealt with in Congress” […]

Michigan Dems Chair Reacts to SCOTUS Arguments on Mifepristone

LANSING — Today, the US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, which seeks to ban access to mifepristone, a pill used in medication abortions. Following the arguments, Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party Lavora Barnes released the following statement: “We cannot ignore the fact that this case […]

RELEASE – REMINDER: Rogers, Meijer, Pensler, and Amash Support Dangerous Abortion Bans

As SCOTUS hears oral arguments for the mifepristone case, the Michigan GOP Senate candidates have dangerous anti-abortion records LANSING — Today, the Supreme Court of the United States hears oral arguments on the mifepristone case that could limit access to medication abortion. Mike Rogers, Peter Meijer, Sandy Pensler, and Justin Amash all have extensive anti-abortion records that are […]

Weekly Roundup: Dems Continue to Protect Health Care and Remind Michiganders What’s At Stake

In a week of Democrats’ hard at work, Trump tried to erase his history of abandoning Michiganders and our autoworkers LANSING — This week, Michigan Dems sent IVF and surrogacy protections to Governor Whitmer’s desk, celebrated the 14th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, and held Trump accountable for his lies about the auto industry. […]

ICYMI: Michigan Dems and Biden for President Launch 2024 One Campaign Office in Grand Rapids on ACA Anniversary

Congresswoman Scholten, Senate Majority Leader Brinks, and Mayor Duggan celebrated the 14th ACA anniversary at the Biden Campaign office opening LANSING —  In case you missed it, this weekend, Michigan Democrats, Biden for President, and Kent County Dems launched the first 2024 One Campaign office on the west side of the state while celebrating the […]

Senate Showdown: Rogers Refuses to Admit How Much Money He Made Selling Out to China, Republicans Urge Trump to “Dump” Him 

LANSING — If we had to describe the Michigan GOP Senate Showdown as a Spotify daylist title, it’d be something along the lines of “brutal chaotic infighting dump him friday mood.” Republicans are asking what the return policy is for Trump’s endorsement of “Deep State Mike Rogers.” Amash is slamming his “neocon” and “authoritarian” opponents and comparing and contrasting his […]

REMINDER: Rogers, Meijer, Pensler, and Amash Vowed to Repeal Affordable Care Act and Revoke Health Care Coverage from 1.7 Million Michiganders

LANSING — Tomorrow marks the 14th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act being signed into law. Mike Rogers, Peter Meijer, Sandy Pensler, and Justin Amash have all vowed to gut the Affordable Care Act which would result in millions of Michiganders being denied health care access and increase costs for families.  Here’s where the Michigan Senate GOP […]

Michigan Dems Chair Celebrates ACA Ahead of Anniversary, Slams Republicans for Undermining Michiganders’ Health Care

Chair Barnes highlights the millions of Americans covered under ACA and how easily a Trump presidency could take it away LANSING — Ahead of the 14th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) tomorrow, Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party Lavora Barnes is calling out Republicans for their callous attacks on the ACA and its […]

WATCH: Rogers, Meijer, Pensler, and Amash Attack Each Other in “Unruly” GOP Senate Primary

Watch the Michigan GOP Senate Primary Brutal Infighting video here LANSING — Michigan Republicans’ brutal infighting is getting nastier by the day. Mike Rogers, Peter Meijer, Sandy Pensler, and Justin Amash are continuing to “take shots” at each other in the “unruly” and “messy” Senate primary.  The Republicans’ “fractured” primary is guaranteed to leave Republicans with a badly-damaged nominee […]

RELEASE: Don’t Be Fooled, Michigan Dems Expose the Truth About Trump’s Record on Electric Vehicles

LANSING — With all the coverage of Trump’s outlandish claims about the auto industry and electric vehicles, Michigan Dems are setting the record straight about Trump’s history of deserting auto workers and selling our EV future to China. This November, the country will decide between a president who has had workers’ backs every single day […]