Category: MDP

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Weekly Roundup: Dems Deliver While Republicans Implode

While Dems enact legislation on health care, voting rights, and education, the Michigan GOP continues to fall into chaos  LANSING — This week’s legislative successes highlighted the Democratic focus on building a better Michigan, while the Republicans were in a whirlwind of their own mayhem. After last week’s (literal) infighting, this week saw recall attempts […]

Gov Whitmer Signs Healthy Michigan Bill Package to Lower Costs and Protect Health Care Access

The bipartisan bill package tackles high health care costs without sacrificing access to quality care for over one million Michiganders LANSING — Today, Governor Whitmer announced that she signed the Healthy Michigan Act into law to improve health care coverage and lower costs for Michiganders. Democrats are committed to lowering prescription drug costs, protecting Michiganders […]

 Michigan Dems Celebrate Historic Education Budget and Slam Republican Opposition

Democrats led the passage of landmark public education budget, in sharp contrast to Republicans who opposed supporting schools across Michigan LANSING — With Governor Whitmer’s signature, the landmark education budget will devote historic resources to schools and students across Michigan. This funding will invest in teacher retention, provide free school meals for all K-12 public […]

MDP Chair Reacts to AG Nessel Charging Michigan’s 16 Fake Trump Electors

LANSING — Today, Attorney General Dana Nessel announced multiple felony charges against 16 Republicans who were involved with the Trump campaign’s fake elector scheme that sought to overturn the results of Michigan’s 2020 presidential election. These electors will be charged with eight felony counts. Those charged include former Michigan Republican Party Co-Chairwoman Meshawn Maddock and […]

Michigan Democrats Celebrate the Signing of Voting Access & Rights Bill Package

Prop 2 will protect our elections from Republican MAGA extremism LANSING — Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed a crucial voting access & rights package known as Proposition 2, which was overwhelmingly passed by ballot initiative last November. These new laws ensure the voices of all Michiganders are heard while maintaining the sanctity and security of […]

ICYMI: What They’re Saying: Michigan Republicans Are Broke

LANSING — A Detroit News story that broke over the weekend confirms what we already knew: Republican MAGA extremism is deeply out of touch with Michiganders, and now, the Michigan GOP has less than $100,000 in their accounts.  At a crucial juncture in the fundraising cycle, the radical Michigan Republican Party is clearly alienating donors […]

MDP Chair Barnes this is “What Real Leadership Looks Like”

LANSING, MI — Today, Michigan Democrats led the charge to pass the historic Lowering MI Costs bill package, the largest tax break for working families and seniors in decades, which will help taxpayers and business owners combat rising costs. Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes released the following statement after the Michigan House and Senate voted in […]

Minority Leader Hall, Michigan Republicans Set To Turn Their Backs On Inflation Relief

LANSING — After spending months on the campaign trail touting the need for inflation relief, House Minority Leader Matt Hall and Michigan Republicans are poised  to turn their back on the voters and vote against Governor Whitmer and Michigan Democrats’ tax relief plan which would put money directly in Michiganders’ pockets.  This development comes following […]

Michigan Democrats react to new 2024 Democratic Presidential Primary Calendar 

Congresswoman Debbie Dingell and Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes react to moving up Michigan in the Presidential Primary calendar LANSING, MI — Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, and MDP Chair Lavora Barnes, released the following statements on behalf of a coalition of the leading Democrats in the state, reacting to the new 2024 Democratic Primary calendar approved by the […]

Michigan Democratic Party Launches Podcast: ‘Party on the Peninsulas’

MDP weekly podcast launches with first episode LANSING, MI – The Michigan Democratic Party is excited to announce the launch of our podcast ‘Party on the Peninsulas.’ The weekly podcast will feature a quick summary of important developments in Lansing, Washington DC, and across the state, an update from the Chair of the Party, Lavora […]