Category: News

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FACT: Nikki Haley Promised to Sign a National Abortion Ban

After signing an abortion ban into law that had no exceptions for rape or incest as South Carolina governor, Nikki Haley promised to sign a national abortion ban while campaigning in New Hampshire last month — further cementing her record as an anti-abortion extremist.  As governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley signed an extreme abortion ban into […]

DNC Statement Ahead of Iowa Roast and Ride Cattle Call

Ahead of the latest 2024 GOP cattle call at Joni Ernst’s Roast and Ride in Iowa, DNC spokesperson Rhyan Lake released the following statement:  “As the 2024 GOP field grows larger by the minute, candidates are using every opportunity to prove they can be the most extreme — from pledging to sign a nationwide abortion […]

Declaraciones del DNC sobre el cabildo abierto de Donald Trump en Fox News 

El  portavoz del Comité Nacional Demócrata, Ammar Moussa, emitió la siguiente declaración en respuesta al cabildo abierto de Donald Trump en Fox News: “En lo que fue en su mayor parte una aparición incoherente y plagada de mentiras recicladas en Fox News, Donald Trump dijo la verdad, al menos una vez, en su espacio seguro: […]

WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: “Biden is the Big Winner in the Debt Ceiling Deal”

Tomorrow, President Biden will sign the bipartisan budget agreement that he secured to protect our economic recovery and prevent a catastrophic default. Here’s what commentators and members of the media are saying about President Biden’s steady leadership in achieving yet another win for the American people. Zack Beauchamp, Vox: “The president is coming off a […]

Ron DeSantis HIDES from Abortion Record in New Hampshire

After repeatedly bragging about his six week abortion ban in Iowa, Ron DeSantis changed his tune, and made exactly *zero* mentions of his abortion ban while in New Hampshire.In response, DNC National Press Secretary and Rapid Response Director Ammar Moussa released the following statement: “Ron DeSantis and MAGA Republicans know their extreme anti-choice records are […]

Declaraciones del DNC sobre el acuerdo presupuestario bipartidista

El presidente del Comité Nacional Demócrata, Jaime Harrison, emitió la siguiente declaración en respuesta a la aprobación del acuerdo presupuestario bipartidista: “Cuando el crédito de los Estados Unidos estaba en juego, el presidente Biden respondió al llamado y logró entregar un histórico acuerdo presupuestario bipartidista al pueblo estadounidense. “Como testimonio de su experiencia y liderazgo, […]

WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: President Biden Negotiates Budget Agreement as “One of the Most Effective Presidents in History”

In yet another example of his strong, steady leadership, President Biden successfully negotiated a bipartisan budget agreement to prevent a catastrophic default and protect our economic recovery.  Here’s a look at what they are saying about how President Biden secured a “huge win,” that will protect Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other critical programs that […]

DNC on Bipartisan Budget Agreement

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison issued the following statement in response to the passage of the bipartisan budget agreement: “When the full faith and credit of the United States was on the line, President Biden answered the call and delivered a historic bipartisan budget agreement for the American people. “In a testament to his experience and […]

FACT CHECK: Donald Trump Failed to Deliver for Veterans

Donald Trump failed our nation’s veterans. Instead of actually supporting the Americans who served and sacrificed for our country, he left the Department of Veterans Affairs in the hands of his MAGA allies who were more concerned with lining their own pockets than delivering real aid to vets and their families. Donald Trump left the […]