DNC, Arizona Democrats Take Legal Action Against Republican Voter Suppression

In a new demand letter, DNC and ADP call on the state of Arizona to end voter protection violations in S.B. 1819 Today, the Democratic National Committee and the Arizona Democratic Party are taking legal action against the state of Arizona after the Republican legislature passed S.B. 1819, which takes authority away from professional election […]

Republicans’ Midterm Strategy: Anti-Science, Anti-Vax, Longer Pandemic, More Lives Lost

Republicans’ Midterm Strategy: Anti-Science, Anti-Vax, Longer Pandemic, More Lives Lost

There is no bigger clown show in Washington D.C. than the House GOP caucus, and their latest midterm strategy confirms it.  After nearly 18 months of tragedy and economic stress, House Republicans have chosen to follow the lead of Governors DeSantis and Abbott, and are doubling down on peddling vaccine misinformation and bizarre stunts to […]

What They’re Reading: Front Pages Nationwide Highlight the Senate Passage of President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal

From Scranton to Reno, Americans are picking up their newspapers and reading about how President Biden and Democrats led the Senate in passing the largest long-term investment in our nation’s infrastructure in a century. As news article after news article has cited, President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal could help create millions of good-paying jobs, create […]

President Biden Delivers Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, Proving Skeptics Wrong

President Biden Delivers Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, Proving Skeptics Wrong

Since the beginning of his campaign, President Biden’s commitment to working across the aisle to pass big and bold progressive legislation and deliver for American families has been doubted by pundits and analysts. Yesterday’s Senate passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal turned those pronouncements on their heads. How it started: Washington Post: Opinion: Hope for […]

Ryan “Big Lie” Berman Wants to be the Attorney General

The Michigan Democratic Party released the following statement on behalf of Lavora Barnes, chair of the Michigan Democratic Party. “I thought it was April Fool’s Day when I read that Ryan Berman had filed to run as Attorney General. I had to double check that this was the same Ryan Berman that is keeping the “Big […]

What They’re Reading: President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal to Deliver Billions of Dollars, Good-Paying Jobs to Michigan

LANSING — From Detroit to Grand Rapids to Traverse City, Michiganders are picking up their newspapers and reading about how President Biden and Michigan Senators Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow led the Senate in passing the largest long-term investment in our nation’s infrastructure in a century.  As news article after news article has cited, President […]

Betsy DeVos Becomes 7th High-Profile Republican to Pass on a Run for Governor

Despite declining to enter the race, DeVos “is committed to ensuring Whitmer will be a one-term governor” LANSING — Following weeks of speculation, failed former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos finally made it clear that she wouldn’t be running for governor in 2022. She becomes the seventh high-profile Republican to decline a run, joining Macomb […]

In The States: Democrats Applaud President Biden’s Leadership in Securing Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal

Following the Senate’s passage of President Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure plan, which will create millions of good-paying jobs and help American businesses grow by investing in our country’s infrastructure, Democrats across the country praised President Biden and Democrats’ ability to reach across the aisle and deliver results for families across the country. See for yourself: In Arizona:  […]

ICYMI: Axios: First look: DNC launching “Build Back Better” bus tour

**ICYMI** Today, the DNC announced its first-ever August congressional recess “Build Back Better” bus tour to highlight how President Biden and Democrats are delivering for the American people with the creation of more than four million jobs, tax cuts for middle-class families, and lower health care costs. As Axios reported this morning, “The ‘Build Back Better Tour’ […]