VB Dems

ICYMI: Michigan Dems Fire Up Voters During GOTV Weekend Ahead of Primary

Michigan Dems pounded the pavement to energize voters ahead of Tuesday’s primary LANSING — With the Michigan presidential primary tomorrow, Democrats were out in full force working to get out the vote this past weekend. Alongside volunteers, state and national Democratic Leaders were knocking doors, shaking hands, and talking with voters about the importance of […]

RELEASE – What They’re Saying: Rogers “Co-Sponsored Four Bills in Congress ‘That Would Have the Same Effect as Alabama Supreme Court’s IVF Ruling’” 

LANSING — Mike Rogers’ extensive, dangerous anti-choice record can’t be erased. In Congress, Rogers co-sponsored four bills that defined personhood as the moment of fertilization — jeopardizing access to IVF and contraception, including IUDs and Plan B.  Fetal personhood laws, like the ones Rogers co-sponsored, “could restrict or effectively ban IVF” and would rip away […]

Donald Trump Failed Black Americans – And Now He’s Trying To Hide Behind Racist Tropes and Corny Jokes

In response to Donald Trump’s disgusting remarks at a South Carolina speech last night, DNC National Press Secretary Sarafina Chitika released the following statement:  “This might come as news to Trump, but pushing tired tropes, wannabe Jordans, and mugshot t-shirts isn’t going to win over Black voters who suffered through record high unemployment and skyrocketing […]

Meet Kari Lake: One of Trump’s Favorite Election-Denying MAGA Extremists

As Kari Lake speaks at CPAC today, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: “Kari Lake and Donald Trump have a lot in common: They both constantly repeat the same blatant, dangerous lies to undermine our democracy, and they both know how to lose Arizona. Lake and Trump still haven’t accepted the […]

Mike Johnson Is The Latest Extreme MAGA IVF Hypocrite 

In response to MAGA Mike Johnson’s shameless attempt to spin his record on IVF, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:  “MAGA Mike Johnson can’t run from the reality that he’s spent his entire career trying to outlaw basic access to reproductive health care. Now that they’ve succeeded in their cruel agenda, […]

GOP Strategists Know Ripping Away IVF Access Will Hurt Republicans At the Ballot Box – But MAGA is Pushing It Anyway  

GOP strategists are trying to rein in Republicans from touting their party’s support for “personhood” abortion bans that could restrict access to IVF, telling candidates to hide their extreme agendas. In response, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: “If MAGA Republicans supported protecting IVF, then they wouldn’t be pushing total abortion […]

Weekly Roundup: And Then There Were Three (Days Left Until the Presidential Primary)

With just a few days until Tuesday’s Democratic presidential primary, Michigan Dems are reminding voters what’s at stake and holding Republicans accountable LANSING — This week, Democrats came out in full force to build energy for next week’s primary by emphasizing the stakes of the coming election where the choice will be between Democrats defending […]

Senate Showdown: Republicans Warn Voters to be “Leery” of “Blatant Fraud” Mike Rogers

LANSING — You can call the Michigan GOP Senate Showdown many things… “aggressive,” “brutal,” “fractured” – but you can’t say it’s boring. This week’s infighting included websites attacking one another, Republicans calling Rogers a “blatant fraud,” and more. Here’s the latest on the “unruly” Michigan GOP Senate primary:  Sandy Pensler and Mike Rogers engaged in […]

RELEASE – REMINDER: Mike Rogers and Peter Meijer Support Dangerous Anti-IVF Legislation

LANSING — This week, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos can be granted legal personhood, jeopardizing in vitro fertilization and other forms of fertility care. Mike Rogers and Peter Meijer both co-sponsored anti-IVF, personhood legislation in Congress that could jeopardize access to IVF and fertility care for Michiganders. “Mike Rogers and Peter Meijer […]

Trump’s Bans: Michigan Republicans Are Still Pushing an  Extreme Anti-Abortion Agenda After Roe Was Overturned Thanks to Trump

Donald Trump said it himself: Without him, none of the extreme abortion bans being pushed by MAGA Republicans across the country would be possible. With Trump now closing in on the Republican nomination and admitting his support for a nationwide ban, we’re reminding voters of the severe consequences of his anti-choice extremism and what is […]